The Science of tsunamis

The word ‘tsunami’ brings immediately to mind the havoc that can be wrought by these uniquely powerful waves. The tsunamis we hear about most often are caused by undersea earthquakes, and the waves they generate can travel at speeds of up to 250 miles …

Females supercharge sperm evolution in animals

Sperm size varies dramatically among different animal species. But why is sperm size so variable when they share the same job — to fertilize eggs? Researchers now show that animal sperm evolution become supercharged only when sperm swim inside females.

Inkjet printing ‘impossible materials’

Engineers developed inexpensive methods to make ‘impossible materials’ that interact in unusual ways with microwave energy. Thin film polymers inkjet printed with tiny component patterns collect or transmit energy with much greater selectivity, sensiti…

Birthdays and COVID-19

A recent study found that the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection increased 30 percent for households with a recent birthday in counties with high rates of COVID-19, but no such jumps were seen in areas with low rates of infection. The findings suggest inform…