Long-term Himalayan glacier study

The glaciers of Nanga Parbat – one of the highest mountains in the world – have been shrinking slightly but continually since the 1930s. This loss in surface area is evidenced by a long-term study. The geographers combined historical photographs, surve…

Researchers discover the physics of foams

Chemical engineers have answered longstanding questions about the underlying processes that determine the life cycle of liquid foams. The breakthrough could help improve the commercial production and application of foams in a broad range of industries.

Excess nitrogen puts butterflies at risk

Nitrogen from agriculture, vehicle emissions and industry is endangering butterflies in Switzerland. The element is deposited in the soil via the air and has an impact on vegetation — to the detriment of the butterflies, as researchers have discovered.

Novel chirped pulses defy ‘conventional wisdom’

Researchers demonstrate highly chirped pulses created by a using a spectral filter in a Kerr resonator, enabling them to widen a laser pulse wavefront by separating the beam’s colors. The chirped pulses remain stable even with more than 90% energy loss.

Parrot talk

Outside the breeding season many parrots live in dynamic social systems in which individuals travel and forage. These flocks are characterized by frequent changes in composition and their dynamic nature entails a unique set of challenges, such as poten…

Hubble data confirms galaxies lacking dark matter

The most accurate distance measurement yet of ultra-diffuse galaxy (UDG) NGC1052-DF2 (DF2) confirms beyond any shadow of a doubt that it is lacking in dark matter. The newly measured distance of 22.1 +/-1.2 megaparsecs are based on 40 orbits of NASA’s …

Detoxifiers from the landfill

Bacteria from an Indian landfill could help eliminate contaminated chemicals. The focus is on pesticides such as lindane or brominated flame retardants, which accumulate in nature and in food chains. Researchers used these bacteria to generate enzymes …