Tesla Could Sell a Million Vehicles Per Year by 2020
Tesla could sell a million vehicles annually. The Model 3 alone potentially exceeding 800,000 unit sales by 2020, assuming battery production can keep up.
Mindfully Curated
Tesla could sell a million vehicles annually. The Model 3 alone potentially exceeding 800,000 unit sales by 2020, assuming battery production can keep up.
Although this is my first post in this blog, many people might already know me as the person behind Solidity. I recently took on the lead of the C++ team and would like to share my vision for the future development. Ethereum is a free software project…
Netflix subscribers will more than double, growing to 175 million by 2020. ARK estimates broadband subscribers could reach roughly 925 million by 2020.
Last month marked the 2 year anniversary of Ethereum’s public announcement at The North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami, Florida, USA. Amid much rumour and excitement, a sizeable crowd mobbed the young Vitalik Buterin after his on-stage announceme…
The market outlook today: During the tech and telecom bubble, investors caught a whiff of how profoundly general purpose technology platforms…
The white paper on thematic investing strategies tests ARK’s hypothesis that in a rapidly changing world thematic strategies position investors to enjoy…
Part I Sometimes Ethereum is compared to a singleton Virtual Machine. While this is correct in some sense; I think it is a bit more. First of all what is a singleton in a distributed system? It is merely a set of values that some threshold of particip…
Blockchains are a powerful technology, as regular readers of the blog already likely agree. They allow for a large number of interactions to be codified and carried out in a way that greatly increases reliability, removes business and political risks a…
The time is gone, the song is over, Thought I’d something more to say. — Pink Floyd It is with no small amount of sadness that I must bid ye farewell. Like The Floyd’s work, in the time I’ve been involved with Ethereum, I’ve sampled the full gamut of…
If DEVCON1 proved anything in spades, it was certainly the enthusiasm, creativity, and momentum of the Ethereum developer community. Utilizing the never-before-seen potential unleashed by the Ethereum World Computer, our small-but-growing community is …
Now that Ethereum has launched and is rapidly nearing its Homestead phase, over the last few months we at the Ethereum Foundation have finally had the chance to have some breathing room and plan our strategies with a more long-term view. From a develop…
Special thanks to Vlad Zamfir for introducing the idea of by-block consensus and convincing me of its merits, alongside many of the other core ideas of Casper, and to Vlad Zamfir and Greg Meredith for their continued work on the protocol In the last p…
Special thanks to Gavin Wood for prompting my interest into abstraction improvements, and Martin Becze, Vlad Zamfir and Dominic Williams for ongoing discussions. For a long time we have been public about our plans to continue improving the Ethereum pr…
ARK believes AMZN is jumping ahead due to its robot system deployed in its distribution centers. Read the full retail robot research article.
This is the third and final post on a series on how to use the Ethereum Wallet to create your own autonomous organisations. On the first post we detailed how to create a token, and on the second we shown how to generate a digital democracy c…
This is a second post on a series on how to use the current Ethereum tools to build smart contracts without needing programming experience. Download the latest version of the Ethereum Wallet, read the first part and let’s have fun!
A lot of things have happened in the past few weeks in the Ethereum ecosystem, so many that it might be hard for a casual observer to understand where we are and what’s available out there. So I would like to use my first post here to give you an…
Amazon Drones Could Deliver a Package in Under Thirty Minutes for One Dollar. The Drone Delivery Program could be revolutionary.
Considering the many examples of prolonged IoT standards disputes…For the IoT to harness and fulfill its potential it is key to create an IoT standard…
Instagram Monetization: With 650 million users, how much revenue would Instagram generate for Facebook? This analysis assumes Instagram follows growth…