Ethereum Comms Announcement

The foundation is currently in the phase of restructuring its communications activities. Several members of our current communications team in London are soon leaving or reducing their involvement in the Foundation in order to pursue for-profit venture…

Ethereum Wallet – Developer Preview

We are happy to announce our very first developer-preview of the Ethereum Wallet ÐApp. The point of this release is to gather feedback, squash bugs and, most importantly, get the code audited. Please note that this is a developer-preview and not the f…

A Bitter Pill: The High Cost of Sovaldi

Solvadi’s approval by the FDA should have been a triumphant moment for the whole healthcare community. Sovaldi did irreversibly change the HCV landscape.

On Slow and Fast Block Times

One of the largest sources of confusion in the question of blockchain security is the precise effect of the block time. If one blockchain has a block time of 10 minutes, and the other has an estimated block time of 17 seconds, then what exactly does th…

A message from Stephan Tual

To the wonderful Ethereum Community, You often heard me say at conferences that Ethereum was not a company, a foundation, an implementation, or an individual. Ethereum is both an idea and an ideal, encompassing the first censorship-resistant network b…

devcon one postponed until further notice

Unfortunately we were not able to secure the venue for devcon one in London on the dates desired (October 5th-8th). As a consequence we are postponing the event until further notice.  Please do not make travel plans at this time. Updates will be forthc…

On Anti-Pre-Revelation Games

An increasing number of proposed applications on top of Ethereum rely on some kind of incentivized, multi-party data provision – whether voting, random number collection, or other use cases where getting information from multiple parties to increase de…

Olympic Rewards Announced

ETH DEV would like to thank everyone for their participation in the Olympic test network, which helped us greatly in stress testing, optimization, and finding bugs in the Ethereum clients, as well as determining what the limits of the current Ethereum …

Security alert [consensus issue]

This alert is related to a consensus issue that occurred on the Frontier network at block 116,522, mined on 2015-08-20 at 14:59:16+02:00 – Issue has been fixed, see “Fix” below. Impact: High Issue description: State database consensus issue in geth w…

An Analysis of the First 100000 Blocks

After a successful launch, Frontier passed it’s 100000th block earlier this week. Here are some interesting stats from these first blocks. The first 50 block times (in seconds): Right after genesis, it took 29 seconds for the second block to appear,…